Monthly Letter
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Padre Pio Prayer Groups
National Office
St. Francis of Assisi Friary
1901 Prior Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19809
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March Catechesis
March 2025
Dear Spiritual Children and Friends of Padre Pio,
The Lord give you his peace!
Live tranquilly, always, as regards your spirit, because God reigns there as supreme King. Believe me, teacher, in order to live happily while on pilgrimage we must keep before our eyes the hope of arriving at our Homeland where we will stay for eternity, and in the meantime we should believe this firmly. Because given that it is God who calls us to himself, he watches how we make our way to him, and will never permit anything to happen to us that is not for our greater good. He knows what we are, and he will extend his paternal hand to us while we are going through rough stretches, so that nothing will prevent us from running quickly to him. But in order to receive this grace, we must have total confidence in him.
Do not anticipate the problems of this life with apprehension, but, rather, with a perfect hope that God, to whom you belong, will free us from them accordingly.
Live tranquilly, my dearest daughter, remove from your imagination that which upsets you and often say to our Lord: ‘Oh God, you are my God and I will trust in you. You will assist me and be my refuge and I will fear nothing’, because not only are you with him, but you are in him and he is within you. What can a child fear in the arms of its father? (Letter to Erminia Gargani, 23 April 1918)
The counsel that Padre Pio gives to Erminia Gargani, is a simple reminder and encouragement for us. Often enough our lives are enmeshed in so many tangled circumstances and coincidences that we lose our perspective. We may even go so far as to lose our way. Oh, this does not mean that “we are lost forever”. But the moment may feel that way. And the “moment” may last like what seems an eternity to the one who suffers. Each one of us will have their own challenges.
How we travel through them depends on a little word that “packs a wallop” when we understand more of its meaning. The word is HOPE.
This Jubilee Year of the Church 2025, encourages the faithful to go on pilgrimage. As pilgrims and strangers (1 Peter 2:11; Hebrews 11: 13) we journey through life “homeward bound”. The journey may be short or long. It does not really matter, as long as we are focused on Who leads us and Who awaits our arrival to be with Him. It is important that we know where we have been in our life, know where we are here and now, and ultimately know where we are going. We truly are pilgrims and strangers wandering and wondering through time. The question asked, that we feel often enough in the depths of our souls is: What’s it all about. When we believe we have the response to the question, the next question is: How do I accomplish my purpose successfully? What? and How? These two questions find their simple response in the letter of Padre Pio quoted above and in the words of Pope Francis taken from his proclamation of the Jubilee Year of Grace 2025 quoted below.
We are pilgrims. Why? Because once our journey begins it never stops until we reach our destination. The destination for all creation is eternity. Never forget that eternity is a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21: 1). The New Heaven and New Earth is God’s Will fulfilled. The promise of redemption is fulfilled and consummated on the Cross by Jesus. In His Passion-Death-Resurrection, Jesus “resets and recreates”, in obedience to the Father’s Will, the heavens and the earth, where sin and the effects of sin will no longer be present. John writes in the Book of Revelation that he saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away (Revelation 21: 1). The new heaven and new earth will be a state of immaculate wholeness in God’s grace. In the “freshness” of that state, those who have achieved the destination of their journey will be able to enjoy the beauty of God’s presence in all of his glory, unhindered by the presence of sin and its effects.
We are also strangers. The faith-filled stranger lives the gift of life received but knows it is only to travel through time. For there is no permanent city for us here on earth; we are looking for the city which is to come (Hebrews 13: 14). Our ultimate destination is eternity and heaven, by God’s grace. The true stranger in Faith is the one who lives the gift of life he/she has received , is grateful for his/her own life and that of all others, and looks forward to sharing the fullness with God in eternity. The stranger to the world lives the words Jesus spoke the night before He died: Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world … They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world” (John 17: 11, 16). This “stranger” knows where they are going and is always ready for the unexpected.
The other “stranger” wanders aimlessly, even though they may seem to “have it all together”. Their lives are empty of real purpose beyond the moment and personal gain. They know where they are, and still wander aimlessly through life creating goals that never lead to the ultimate and everlasting one. They are their own counselors. St. Bernard of Clairvaux is famous for saying that Anyone who takes himself for his own spiritual director (we could say “his own guide or counselor”) is the disciple of a fool.
These often stand as “unknowns” even to their own family and friends. They see only the here and now. Their focus is on their personal opportunities and gains. Their friends are often benefactors who donate, acquaintances who serve a purpose but are never real friends beyond the moment. Even their God seems far away because they never recognized Him in the other. They saws others as mere objects of convenience and personal gain.
It seems an exaggeration, but it is so true, especially in the corporate world, and also in certain circles in the world of religion. The glitter of “gold and silver” like the glitz of Mardi Gras, is fun when it lasts but ends in clutter, hard cleanup work, and regrets that cannot be reconciled. How many “strangers” may even be reading these few simple words? If you take that one Quantum Leap into God’s hands, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household (Ephesians 2: 19)
That we are pilgrims is easy enough to accept. We are all on a journey that begins with conception and is fulfilled when time becomes eternity. This is common for all. Even the true(?) atheist falls into this category of wayfarers on the road of life. Are there really any persons who believe in nothing or no one greater than themselves? How can they believe in nothing? That is not faith, and so it is devoid of hope. Thus, deep down, St. Paul would say, They are the deadest of the dead (cfr. Letter to Galatians), and St. Bernard calls them “fools” (quote above). When there is no hope, what must a person’s life be? How many substitutes for joy must be created to make life livable? How often people are seen only as objects of service or pleasure in order to fill a void? Yet, the void just swallows all that enters, and there is nothing once again. One response could be to engage others as companions and friends on the journey, supporting, encouraging, and enjoying the road into the mystery of the unexpected until we reach the splendor of our hopes fulfilled. Hope is the fruit of an active Faith.
On December 24th, 2024, the Holy Door was opened by Pope Francis as he declared the Jubilee Year of Grace. He challenged all the Church to be Pilgrims of Hope. We have been challenged to continue the spirit of the Jubilee Year of Mercy with the Jubilee Year of Hope. We receive the Mercy of God so often. What we receive as a gift we must give as a gift. Thus, we are challenged to be for others what God’s Mercy has rekindled in us, Hope. This is an essential because: One cannot give to another what they do not possess. This is a basic truth. In His Letter proclaiming the Jubilee Holy Year 2025, our Holy Father Pope Francis wrote:
Experience the Holy Year in all its pastoral richness. A significant step on this journey was already taken with the celebration of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, which allowed us to appreciate anew all the power and tenderness of the Father’s merciful love, in order to become, in our turn, its witnesses.
In the last two years, not a single country has been unaffected by the sudden outbreak of an epidemic that made us experience first-hand not only the tragedy of dying alone, but also the uncertainty and fleetingness of existence, and in doing so, has changed our very way of life. Together with all our brothers and sisters, we Christians endured those hardships and limitations. All of us saw certain freedoms curtailed, while the pandemic generated feelings not only of grief, but also, at times, of doubt, fear and disorientation. The world will return to its usual pattern of personal relationships and social life. This will happen more readily to the extent that we can demonstrate effective solidarity, so that our neighbors most in need will not be neglected.
We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us, and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. The forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desire; that is why I have chosen as the motto of the Jubilee, Pilgrims of Hope. This will indeed be the case if we are capable of recovering a sense of universal fraternity and refuse to turn a blind eye to the tragedy of rampant poverty that prevents millions of men, women, young people and children from living in a manner worthy of our human dignity. Let the voices of the poor be heard throughout this time of preparation for the Jubilee, which is meant to restore access to the fruits of the earth to everyone. As the Bible teaches, “The Sabbath of the land shall provide food for you, for yourself and for your male and female slaves and for your hired servant and the sojourner who lives with you; for your cattle also, and for the beasts that are in your land, all its yield shall be for food” (Lev 25:6-7).
The spiritual dimension of the Jubilee, which calls for conversion, should also embrace these fundamental aspects of our life in society as part of a coherent whole. In the realization that all of us are pilgrims on this earth, which the Lord has charged us to till and keep (cf. Gen 2:15), may we never fail, in the course of our sojourn, to contemplate the beauty of creation and care for our common home.
It is my hope that the coming Jubilee Year will be celebrated and experienced with this intention too. Growing numbers of men and women, including many young people and children, have come to realize that care for creation is an essential expression of our faith in God and our obedience to his will.
Both Padre Pio and Pope Francis speak of Hope. Hope as a constant companion in life that keeps our vision clear and every step we take an anticipation of fulfilling the dream. An old children’s song sings: A dream is a wish your heart makes. Wishes are unfulfilled hopes we strive to achieve. Hope is to possess in your heart what as yet you do not possess in your hand. The desire is so strong and the certainty of achieving the desire so sure, that any challenge demanded to achieve the desire is worth going through. No great explanation needed here, we have all experienced the truth of the statement.
Those of us who are devoted to Padre Pio of Pietrelcina are quite aware of his life and various sayings. We often hear or maybe even say ourselves to encourage someone: Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry. The saying summarizes the recipe for serenity of soul. They are contained in both the words of Pope Francis above as well as in the passage from the letter to Annita Redote. Padre gives the formula to Annita for serenity and peace of heart and soul.
Live tranquilly – Hurry up slowly. God is in charge. If the matter is pressing, do what you are able. Do not let what you do define who you are.
Believe – The word can mean “be alive”. Who you believe yourself to be will often determine what and how you seek to accomplish things. Believe in “the Source” and you will reach heights never imagined possible.
Happy on the journey – Accepting to move forward should mean I “know” the goal is available. So, be happy ahead of time anticipating your goal. That joy will encourage you on the way with healthy anticipation. Children excited on a trip often ask: “Are we there yet?” The excitement, and prospect of arriving where our hearts weere set on going, bring anticipated joy. The journey is also the dream.
Believe firmly – Don’t lose heart at the first obstacle, or any for that matter. “Firmly” signifies that nothing will dissuade you from the purpose you believe and believe in.
Total Confidence – Move forward with all you are and have, with the firmness of what you believe. “Confidence” means to do it “with faith”. And “Total” indicates that half measures are not permitted. We must be fully involved or not at all where God and His Holy Will are perceived, understood, and accepted.
Don’t Anticipate Problems with Apprehension – Don’t foresee difficulties before they appear. So similar to people who are capable of much but do little or nothing because they fear failure, ridicule, and the like. How many are there who “could have”, “would have”, “should have” done something, and knew it, but never did? Persistent Hope always succeeds!
Padre Pio would say, and did many times: pray, hope, and don’t worry.
Pray – Prayer is a relationship with God. Whether with words or more intimately with our heart, mind and soul in silent presence. This prayer signifies that I believe in God. The God I believe in is a personal God Who creates, redeems and sanctifies all He created to His image and likeness. Faith tells me that this God is ever-present to all He created. He is present to me and knows every thought, word, and action, and even our desires. He is a God Who does not create trash, therefore I am valuable in His sight. He is a God Who listens to and responds to His creation. Nothing exists or happens that God does not know. Prayer indicates I believe in the reality and personal involvement of God in His Creation. The Act of Faith of whom and what I believe is a static foundation that encourages me to and Active Faith that lives what I believe. We must have both. They cannot not fruitfully exist independently and still be spiritually fruitful.
Don’t Worry – Life’s many happenings often cause anxious feelings in people. The world situation so often makes it seem that we are on the brink of annihilation. Pandemics kill millions around the world, people distance themselves from participating as a Church in what they believe about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit. Social values as well as religious values seek the majority vote rather than a Faith conviction rooted in God and Life.
The examples are numerous. The responses may be evident or not. The secret is the “connecting word”. As Pilgrims of Hope in the Jubilee Year, we have been directed by the Holy Father Pope Francis to break through the lethargy of complacency, or the refusal of charity because of prejudicial bias, or the misuse and abuse of the gifts of creation.
Prayer is a gift of Faith. Seeking inspiration and assistance for all our endeavors indicates we believe in an unseen Presence capable of assisting our needs, whether spiritual or worldly. Serenity is the fruit an active faith that thus proclaims loudly to all the Faith that underlies my works (cfr. James 2: 18-19). The serenity and peace (“don’t worry”) that follows are overwhelming. Total giving to God in trust leads to God’s total giving of Himself in love to us. How can anyone worry if they truly believe this? Without hope, we become like “zombies”. WSe walk dead to joy because dead to life.
We are Pilgrims of Hope. The love we seek to live eternally calls us. Our response to Loves’s call is to believe the One who calls, know that we are able in the One Who calls, thus have no reason to worry. We share the gift with others as we have received it and thus empower others to be Pilgrims of Hope.
Spiritual Children of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, let us take advantage of the Holy Year by living St. Pio’s saying: Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry. The implication of those simple words can change the course of life. Let Faith lead us to open our hearts to the love of God Who called us to life and calls us to Life. May the truth of what and Whom we believe allow us to see the moment and tomorrow as the best experience we could ever have or expect, regardless of it challenges and uncertainties. Thus let us live life with serenity, sincerity, inner peace and Christian Joy. God loves us. Even when we sin, God gives us all the time and opportunities we need to make use of His gifts within us, that we might reflect, realize, repent, reform, and be restored in His Eternal and Tremendouos Love. This might be the best Lenten Journey for us to attempt. It could be a truly transforming journey Into God (title of St. Bonaventure’s work Itinerarium Mentis In Deum) through Jesus in the Holy Spirit.
May Lent begin well and continue in God’s graces so that the journey from Ashes to Palms may lead you to a spiritual renewal in the spirit. A simple suggestion may help the serenity of soul to help you truly focus on the deep meaning of the Season. Read Scripture. It does not matter how much but how attentively. Reflect upon your reading. Spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament in Church/Chapel, and when that cannot be find quiet time, imagine yourself face to face in the Divine Presence and just let your heart listen to the Heart of Jesus for some time. Other practices are helpful. Do these, though and the penances and devotional practices will come on their own to bring body and soul into the harmony and serenity of the Lenten Pilgrimage of Hope for each one of us.
The graces of God, the love of Our Lady and good St. Joseph, the intercession and protection of our patron Padre Pio accompany us and our loved ones.
Peace and Blessings
Fr. Francis A. Sariego, OFM Cap
National Coordinator