| October 2009 | November |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
We begin quoting from the letters of Padre Pio addressed to his Spiritual Daughter, Raffaelina Cerase, dated between the years 1914-1915. This month the words are all from the letter dated, 29 March 1914. | 1 I feel all your troubles as though they were my own. | 2 Temptation is a proof of the soul’s union with (God). | 3 If you come forward to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for temptation. | |||
4 The more fully you become the friend and intimate of God, the more you will have to endure temptation. | 5 When the soul grieves and is afraid of offending God, it does not offend him and is very far from committing sin. | 6 Divine grace is with you and you are very dear to the Lord. | 7 Shadows and fears … are diabolical stratagems which you should despise in the name of Jesus. | 8 The spirit of evil is busily engaged in trying to make you believe that your past life has been strewn with sins. | 9 Be consoled and rejoice … because (God’s) mercy makes you dear to Him… | 10 In the combat there is a better crown to be won… |
11 The better the fight put up by the soul, the more numerous the palms of victory. | 12 How can we fail to rejoice … knowing that every victory (over evil) achieved has a corresponding degree of glory? | 13 Our enemy has no power over one who has resolved to belong entirely to Jesus. | 14 Isn’t God good and faithful to the point of not permitting you to be tempted beyond your strength? | 15 If we were left to ourselves we should always be falling and never remain on our feet. | 16 Humble yourself at the delightful thought that you are in the divine arms of Jesus. | 17 How can we be afraid to remain in such loving arms (of Jesus) when our entire being is consecrated to God? |
18 Open up your heart to a holy and unbounded trust in Jesus. | 19 Trust in Him (Jesus) and do not be afraid, for you have no reason whatever to fear. | 20 I have no adequate words by which to thank the Lord for His goodness in dealing with you and for protecting you so lovingly. | 21 The Evil One wants to persuade you that you are the victim of his attacks and are abandoned by God. | 22 If you come forward to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for temptation. | 23 Cast away fears, dispel shadows which the devil is increasing in your soul in order to torment you … | 24 (Jesus) intends to take complete possession of your heart and desires it to be pierced with sorrow and love like His own. |
25 Despise (the Evil One) in the name of Jesus and His most holy Mother. | 26 Never fall back on yourself alone, but place all your trust in God. | 27 Let the Holy Spirit act within you. | 28 Give yourself up to all (the Holy Spirit’s) transports and have no fear. | 29 (The Holy Spirit) is so wise and gentle and discreet that He never brings about anything but good. | 30 How good this Holy Spirit … is to all, but how supremely good He is to those who seek Him. | 31 I earnestly ask you … never to stop praying to our merciful Jesus. |
To Our Lady Prayer composed by St. Bernard
Padre Pio’s love for the Rosary that he recited so often in the course of each day, urges us to reflect upon the Rosary. Good Jesus, through the... (here mention the mystery of the Rosary you will carry with you during the day) may the example of Our Blessed Mother Mary who lived this moment with you, and the devotion of Padre Pio who meditated on this mystery each day, obtain for me the grace of... (here mention the virtue of the mystery) today. JOYFULAnnunciation and IncarnationHUMILITY
Visit of Mary to Elizabeth
Birth at Bethlehem
Presentation and Purification
Finding in the Temple |
Presence at the Wedding in Cana
Preaching the Kingdom/Repentance
Institution of the Eucharist SORROWFULAgony in the Garden of GethsemaneFERVOR
Scourging at the Pillar
Crowning with Thorns
Carrying of the Cross
Death on the Cross GLORIOUSResurrectionFAITH
Descent of the Holy Spirit
Assumption of Our Lady
Crowning of Mary |
Concluding Prayer:Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, through life’s joys and sorrows, enlighten me to live your Word, that I may come, one day, as Mary, to the glory you have promised all who hear your Word and keep It. You live forever. Amen.
Prayer to Our LadyMary, my Most Holy Mother, with Padre Pio as my companion in coming to you, I pray that you intercede for me before the Blessed Trinity Whose Daughter, Mother and Spouse you are.
Prayer to Padre PioPadre Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for me, that with childlike confidence in Our Lady, I can say with you: thank you, Mary, my Mother, for the many graces I obtain through your almighty intercession.Blessed Father of those Spiritual Children who seek to deepen their relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through your loving intercession and powerful counsels, pray for me that I always be available to God’s Most Holy Will. Following Jesus, Whose blessed wounds you bore, may I bear my daily challenges hopefully with a joyful heart. In the Holy Spirit Whose gifts were so powerfully manifested in your life, may I know God’s Will and have the courage to live what I have come to know. Keep me as your Spiritual Child and lead me ever closer to Jesus, our Lord and Savior, Who lives with the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit, one God living and reigning forever. Amen. |