| November 2008
| December |
| Monday
| Tuesday
| Wednesday
| Thursday
| Friday
| Saturday
1 We must have compassion on our miserable souls, while united to our bodies, subject to vanity & the danger of losing God...
| 2 Perseverance is necessary for those who seriously want to work for their salvation.
| 3 How happy are those souls who live by faith.
| 4 (How happy are those souls) who adore the holy plan of God in everything.
| 5 Resign (yourself) to the will of God.
| 6 How great and merciful is our Lord towards those who abandon themselves in him.
| 7 The Lord can and is able to obtain good even from evil, ... (especially) for those who have given themselves to him without reservation.
| 8 Even sins themselves, are used for the good of those who serve him, by his divine providence.
| 9 (God’s mercy) converts our sins into good, and with the venom of our sins makes an antidote which is healthy for our souls.
| 10 What will (God) not do with our afflictions, with the troubles and persecutions which upset us?!
| 11 If you love God with all your heart, everything will be converted to good.
| 12 If God places you up to your eyes in mud and shame, it is only in order to grant you a better sight and render you admirable to his angels...
| 13 Don’t be discouraged when you fall but animate yourself with new confidence and a more profound humility.
| 14 Your becoming discouraged and disheartened after the fall, is the work of the enemy...
| 15 The grace of God is always vigilant in coming to your aid.
| 16 God is our Father, so what have you to fear while you are a child of such a Father...?
| 17 Assist and take care of your soul and your family ... you will see that Jesus takes care of you.
| 18 Eternal Father, your providence governs everything.
| 19 If God lets you walk on the stormy waters of adversity, do not doubt, do not be afraid.
| 20 God is with you, have courage and you will be delivered.
| 21 Live for eternity in the glory of God.
| 22 Keep Jesus Crucified fixed in your heart and all the crosses of the world will seem to you to be roses.
| 23 Those who have felt the pricks of the crown of thorns of our Savior, who is our head, do not feel the other wounds at all.
| 24 (Avoid) any little worry or uneasiness which impedes the effects of patience.
| 25 Patience is most perfect when it is less mixed up with anxiety and worry.
| 26 Keep your eyes fixed always on him who guides, and on the heavenly homeland to which he is leading you.
| 27 Does it matter whether you get there (heaven) through the desert or through the fields, as long as God is with you, and you finally possess blessed eternity?
| 28 Go beyond, I beg you, think of the great abandonment Our Lord suffered in the Garden of Olives.
| 29 In moments of extreme distress you too pray to the heavenly Father that he may comfort and console you.
| 30 We must speak to and see God amidst the thunder and the hurricane; we must see him in the bush, amidst the fire and thorns.
The counsels of Padre Pio for this month are taken from letters to two spiritual daughter: |
God of mercy and compassion, we believe that those who have died in the Lord are blessed. As we pray for the souls of those who have gone before us, we earnestly ask You, let them rest from their labors here on earth, and remember the good works they accomplished through Your grace. With each kindness we offer today, help us recall that we too will be judged according to our good deeds, and the love we have for one another. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen...
* O Mary, Mother and Queen of the Suffering Souls in Purgatory, pray for them and place our prayers together with yours, that through your almighty intercession, we too may assist them in their suffering. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, intercede for us and the Holy Souls in Purgatory for whom we pray, that they may have eternal rest, and that we may live life in God’s Will and enter Life Eternal at the end of our journey.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Lord our God, the Psalmist prayed in wonder and gratitude to You when he prayed: “You have been a home for us, from one generation to the next”. Hear us today as we pray for our loved ones who have died, and have always found a shelter in You. Be gracious to them still, as they await the fullness of Your promised “home”, in the Kingdom where You live forever and ever. Amen.
Lord Jesus, our Good Shepherd, the souls of the just want for nothing in Your presence. It is You who have given them their heart’s desire, You who have guided them on Your pathways, and led them to Your eternal place of refreshment. As you have prepared a banquet for them, so now fill them with Your mercy and peace. May goodness and kindness follow them to Your dwelling place forever and ever. Amen.
Good and Gracious God, today as we pray for the souls of the faithful departed, we remember the comforting words of Jesus: “ Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world”. As You, Lord, so greatly desire the hearts and souls of the created in Your image and likeness, please now call them to Yourself, and welcome them into Your Kingdom, as they welcomed You here on earth in the poor, the naked, the hungry, the thirsty and the imprisoned. We make our prayer in the name of Christ our lord. Amen.
O Lord God, our hope and our consolation, look favorably on the souls of our deceased loved ones. As we pray today for them, and all the faithful departed, we ask that You grant the fullness of Your peace and joy to our beloved deceased who have finished the race and have kept the faith. May You give them the heavenly crown of victory, for they longed to see Your face. And one day may we all share their joy together in the Kingdom where You live forever and ever. Amen.
Most high, all powerful, all good God, Your humble servant, St. Francis of Assisi, when considering his own death, spoke of her as “Sister Death, from whom no one can escape”. In faith we believe that no one would wish to escape the good things that you have prepared for those who have loved You! So today we pray that Sister Death may embrace the souls of our loved ones whom You have called, and lead them to that new creation where you live forever and ever. Amen.
Daily Prayer to Our Lady Mary, loving Mother and Queen of Creation, we pray through your intercession for our brothers and sisters, your children, who are saved in the blood of Christ, your Son, but still await in Purgatory the fullness of the gift that is assured them. You were chosen from among all women, you knew our pain and grief through the death of your Son. Look on us, o merciful Mother, with your eyes of motherly compassion and love, and upon all the souls who have gone before us. Pray for us and them. Protect us in our journey, and intercede for us that we may always be faithful. Pray for the Souls in Purgatory that the Lord may lead them quickly home to enjoy forever Eternal Life with Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb. |
Daily Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity Eternal Father, Son and Holy Spirit, through the almighty intercession of Mary, Your daughter, mother and spouse, and our holy Mother, and through the powerful intercession of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, whose ministry sought to prepare those who came to You through him for the wonderful gift of Eternal Life through the forgiveness of their sins and the conversion of their lives, hear our prayers for the Souls in Purgatory. Grant them eternal light, happiness and peace, and help us to live in Your Most Holy Will. You live and reign forever and ever. Amen. |