| October 2008
| November |
| Monday
| Tuesday
| Wednesday
| Thursday
| Friday
| Saturday
The counsels of Padre Pio are taken from his letters to a spiritual daughter, Erminia Gargani:
1920: Jan.20, Feb.2, Nov.27;
1921: Jan.17, Feb.16, June 7, Oct. 19, 28;
1922: Jan. 7;
1923: Feb. 5, April 23.
| 1 May Jesus, sun of eternal justice and infinite beauty brighten …your soul…and make you worthy…to contemplate his face.
| 2 Make positive acts of love for God and confidence in his goodness.
| 3 If God were to judge men as (men do) … everyone would perish, and the very angels would have to be put out of Paradise.
| 4 Take heart, and do not fear. Jesus is with you, what should you fear?
| 5 (When) you are suffering…Jesus will know how to sweeten the chalice now and then.
| 6 Be comforted (when you suffer anything) by the thought that you are comforting Jesus and weaving a wreath for Paradise (for yourself).
| 7 The more you suffer in the exercise of the virtues the more you are accepted and everything is pleasing to the eyes of God.
| 8 What are you afraid of? i | If God is for you, who could be against you? 9 You become afflicted because God, in his loving goodness, offers you occasion to gain treasure for Heaven.
| 10 To be afraid in the arms of the most loving Father, and to be afflicted because he gives you paternal caresses is truly, utterly stupid.
| 11 Assiduously study Jesus Christ and his divine doctrine, and follow his illustrious example, which he places before us as a model.
| 12 Do not allow yourself to be overcome b y discouragement if you do not always visibly see your efforts crowned (with success).
| 13 Jesus sees, rewards and requires good will and not good success.
| 14 Try to let the residue of the old man, which always wants to live, die in you.
| 15 Always be more humble, more trusting in God, more abandoned to him, more generous towards God and more compassionate towards your brothers & sisters.
| 16 Hold on more and more tightly to the holy cross of Jesus.
| 17 Be resigned to his (Jesus’) will and do not fear the snares of the tempter.
| 18 May Jesus always be totally yours; may he comfort you with his holy grace.
| 19 (May Jesus) dispel all the clouds that have been gathering in the sky of your soul…and make you enjoy the true peace of his children.
| 20 The intimate secrets of the soul should be known only to God and the soul’s guide.
| 21 Remain tranquil and try to acquire the true meekness of the Savior.
| 22 Be docile to God’s grace, always distrust yourself and confide in God more and more.
| 23 Don’t fear the mocking of the world, because the world is not of God and even less should it be yours.
| 24
Work, and the reward Jesus prepares for you will be great.
(‘Work’, as regards us, refers to fulfilling our responsibilities)
| 25 Live tranquilly, abandoned more and more in the arms of divine mercy and do not fear the evil designs of the enemy.
| 26 (Satan) is powerless against the children of God.
| 27 (The Evil One’s) every attempt will be defeated.
| 28 May God be pleased to instill this divine virtue, (complete conformity to the divine will), in your hearty.
| 29 I want to see you docile and meek as a lamb in everything.
| 30 Try to keep your spirits raised always and never abandon yourself to yourself.
| 31 You must never complain about anything nor should you expect anything other than to love God and please him in everything.
| Rest in the arms of Divine Mercy |
St. Pio of Pietrelcina, your love
for the Eucharist and for our Heavenly Mother Mary, made you respect and love every facet of life that spoke of God and his loving care for all His creation. Be with me as I open my heart to the Most Blessed Trinity and intercede for me that, through the intercession of Our Mother Mary and yours, I may be holy and always live in God’s Most holy Will.
Good Father, present me as your Spiritual Child to our Lady, as I open my heart to her, that she, in turn, may keep me and protect me in her Immaculate Heart, and lead me to Jesus. As I see Jesus in the Eucharist I celebrate and receive so often, pray that I, as Mary, may be a Tabernacle where Jesus finds a welcoming and a well-prepared place to dwell and from which, as the Monstrance Mary is and I am called to be, Jesus can be presented to those whom I encounter on life’s journey. Mary, My Mother, with Padre Pio as my companion in coming to you, I pray that you intercede for me before the Blessed Trinity Whose Daughter, Mother and Spouse you are. To Our Lady (adapted Prayer composed by St. Bernard) Remember, O most compassionate Virgin Mary, that never was it known, that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your assistance, or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to you, O virgin of virgins, my mother, to you I come, sinful and sorrowful. |
Mother of the Word Incarnate
(assist me, that I may open my heart
to the Word I read and receive, and, like you,
open my life to Christ,
that I may live with, in, and for Jesus,
as you did.)
Despise not my request,
but in your clemency, hear and answer me.
Padre Pio’s love for the Rosary that he recited so often in the course of each day, urges us to reflect upon the Rosary. Each day choose one mystery of the Rosary. Offer the following simple aspiration with the virtue of the day: Good Jesus, through the… (here mention the mystery of the Rosary you will carry with you during the day) may the example of Our Blessed Mother Mary who lived this moment with you, and the devotion of Padre Pio who meditated on this mystery each day, obtain for me the grace of… (here mention the virtue of the mystery) today. JOYFUL Annunciation and Incarnation HUMILITY Visit of Mary to Elizabeth CHARITY Birth at Bethlehem POVERTY of SPIRIT Presentation and Purification OBEDIENCE Finding in the Temple FIDELITY to GOSPEL LUMINOUS Baptism in the Jordan ACCEPTING GOD’S WILL |
Presence at the Wedding in Cana CELEBRATING LIFE AS A CHILD OF GOD Preaching the Kingdom/Repentance REPENTANCE Transfiguration SEEING GOD AT ALL TIMES Institution of the Eucharist EUCHARISTIC LOVE SORROWFUL Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane FERVOR Scourging at the Pillar PENANCE Crowning with Thorns MORAL COURAGE Carrying of the Cross PATIENCE Death on the Cross SELF-SACRIFICE GLORIOUS Resurrection FAITHA Ascension HOPE Descent of the Holy Spirit LOVE & ZEAL Assumption of Our Lady DEVOTION TO MARY Crowning of Mary FINAL PERSEVERANCE Concluding Prayer: Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, through life’s joys and sorrows, enlighten me to live your Word, that I may come, one day, as Mary, to the glory you have promised all who hear your Word and keep It. You live forever. Amen. |