June 2008
| July |
| Monday
| Tuesday
| Wednesday
| Thursday
| Friday
| Saturday
| 1 May the heavenly Father be blessed. I implore Him to be always your heart, your life, your soul.
| 2 Live totally in our Lord
| 3 The remedy I willingly prescribe is tranquility, and that I always forbid excessive worry in holy matters also.
| 4 I think of the spiritual rest our hearts must have in the will of God, wherever it takes us.
| 5 Let us live as long as God pleases … with total submission to His most holy will.
| 6 It is impossible to be in this mortal body and not to feel its weight with the movements of our passions.
| 7 The standard of the cross is always hoisted, and … faith, hope and charity courageously pronounce: Long live Jesus!
| 8 Where Jesus is, there can neither be defeat nor anything that displeases him.
| 9 May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus transform your heart … to the point of rendering it perfect and worthy of Him.
| 10 Valiantly fight temptations with strong souls.
| 11 When you fall, do not stay there prostrated in body and spirit.
| 12 Humble yourself greatly, but without being discouraged.
| 13 Lower yourself, without degrading yourself.
| 14 Wash your imperfections and falls with sincere tears of contrition, without lacking trust in divine goodness.
| 15 Propose to make amends without being presumptuous, but your strength must be in God alone.
| 16 Confess sincerely that if God were not your breast-plate and shield, you would be pierced with every kind of sin.
| 17 Always keep yourself in the grace of God with perseverance …
| 18 Always have courage, and if some … weakness of the spirit comes upon you, run to the foot of the Cross …
| 19 How lovable is the eternity of heaven …!
| 20 Do not be apprehensive over past errors, nor by fears for future difficulties.
| 21 Our heavenly Father knows you are in need … and He will grant (what you need) as long as you abandon yourself with confidence in His arms.
| 22 Take care to employ (your good natural inclinations) well in the service of Him Who gave them to you.
| 23 Let us rest our hearts in God alone … He is our peace, our consolation and our glory.
| 24 Being is the root of the tree of which we are the branches, and our good works the fruit.
| 25 Let us allow (God) to act as He pleases
| 26 Make particular effort to practice submission to the will of God … even in the little things that occur daily.
| 27 Abandon yourself in (God’s) paternal arms like a child …
| 28 Beware of scruples and calm yourself totally … Spend a great deal of time in the presence of God …
| 29 Have great confidence in His mercy because He will never abandon you.
| 30 After love for our Lord … I recommend to you that of the Church, His Bride … Thank God a hundred times a day for being a (child) of the Church.
The words of Padre Pio are taken from letters to his spiritual daughter
Erminia Gargani: | 1917: May 2, June 18, July 17, December 28 1918: January 27 |
Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
I. O my Jesus, You have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold, I knock, I seek, and I ask for the grace of final perseverance (and whatever grace you may seek)
(After this daily introductory prayer
add the prayer designated for the
specific day of the week)
Through your resignation to the Father’s Will in your life, often manifested through the decisions of the Church and your religious superiors, teach us humility that we may be among those humble souls to whom the Eternal Father, through His Incarnate Son Jesus, promised to reveal the mysteries of His Kingdom
Tuesday: Through your resignation and trust in God during the painful struggles you were asked to endure, support and assist us in times of trouble and trial. Wednesday: Through that ministry of the confessional for which you were known and through which many returned to the Father’s love, encourage us to trust unlimitedly in the graces of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and to experience the joy of forgiveness in sincerely returning to the loving embrace of the Father should we succumb to temptation and fall into sin. Thursday: Through the faithfulness with which you bore the sacred marks of the Passion of our Savior on your body during your earthly journey, strengthen us by your example to bear in our hearts and accept in our lives the life-giving mystery of the Passion-Death-Resurrection of Jesus. Friday: Through that childlike confidence and love you fostered and encouraged for the Mother of all God’s children, Mary ever-Virgin, teach us filial love and devotion for, and confident recourse in the almighty intercession of Mary, the Mother of the Lord and our Heavenly Mother, that through Her intercession, we may more easily approach the Savior, through Whom the Father calls us to Himself. |
Through the concern and commitment with which you attached yourself spiritually to all those who sought you as spiritual guide, accompany us at every moment on our earthly pilgrimage towards heaven. There we hope one day to contemplate the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, our God Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
Concluding Prayers:
May I never boast of anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ Let us pray: Almighty and eternal God, by a singular grace you allowed your priest, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, to participate in the mystery of the Cross of your Son, and through his ministry, you revealed the marvels of your mercy. Grant that through his intercession, we may remain one with Christ in His Passion so as to joyfully attain the glory of the resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. ***************** Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look with kindness upon me today. I am Yours and Yours I want to remain all the days of my life. Mary, Mother of the Sacred Heart, pray for us, who have recourse to you |