| December 2006
| January |
| Monday
| Tuesday
| Wednesday
| Thusday
| Friday
| Saturday
| 1 May the grace of the divine Spirit increase more and more in your heart and possess you totally.
| 2 How many difficulties one encounters when doing good! Never mind! Jesus will take everything into account…
| 3 No work done for love of him (Jesus) will be left without a just reward.
| 4 Live tranquilly and be resigned to divine will.
| 5 Always keep present to your mind the fact that our perfection consists in the perfect conformity of our will to that of God.
| 6 Let us unite ourselves to it (God’s will). Jesus will be pleased and we will sanctify ourselves.
| 7 Say to Jesus: Lord, by all means work as you wish and to the degree you want.
| 8 Don’t fear anything at all … but glorify him (God).
| 9 Keep your gaze constantly fixed on he who guides you to the heavenly homeland
| 10 Why should (you) worry whether (you reach heaven) by way of the desert or through the fields.
| 11 As long as God is with you always, … why should (your) poor soul be afflicted?
| 12 Take courage and take on the work of your sanctification on the Cross, as if your were never to descend from it…
| 13 We must see and speak to God amidst the thunder and the hurricanes
| 14 We must see God in the burning bush and amidst the fire and the thorns.
| 15 Submit yourself to (God’s) holy will and do not believe that you would serve him better in a different state.
| 16 One serves (God) well when one serves him as he wishes.
| 17 Assaults of the passions are inevitable in this mortal life.
| 18 Let us convince ourselves of this truth: Self love does not die before we do.
| 19 The grace of God is sufficient for us.
| 20 Live entirely in Our Lord and be tranquil.
| 21 Patiently humble yourself before God
| 22 May Jesus always be at the center of your heart, to fill it and make it abound with his holy love.
| 23 What a joy it is to serve God
| 24 May the most Holy Virgin bring you her blessings.
| 25 And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we have seen His glory - Alleluia!
| 26 Rise above yourself with frequent … aspirations of the heart, (and) continual prayers.
| 27 Drive away doubts which are really temptations.
| 28 Approach Jesus with confidence.
| 29 (Jesus) loves you more than you can imagine.
| 30 Do not sadden (Jesus’) heart by … doubting him (Jesus).
| 31 We belong to God eternally to love and bless him always.
| The quotes for this month are taken from the letters of Padre Pio addressed to Margarita Gargani:
September 16, 1916 … November 4, 1916 … November 22, 1916
January 11, 1917
| |
Praying the Month of December
| Let us pray: Pour forth we beg you, O Lord, your grace into our hearts, that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ Your Son was made known by the message of an Angel, may, through His Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. We ask this through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen. Recite one of the Advent Antiphons Sunday: Wisdom of our God most high, teach us to walk in the paths of knowledge Monday: Leader of Ancient Israel, rescue us with your mighty power. Tuesday: Flower of Jesse’s Stem, save us without delay. Wednesday: Key of David, free those imprisoned in the darkness of ignorance. Thursday: Radiant Dawn: shine on those lost in the darkness of spiritual death. Friday: King of all nations: save humanity, your own creation. Saturday: Emmanuel, you are God’s presence among us, save us, your people. After the Antiphon recite, each day: Lord Jesus, you come to save your people. Happy are we who prepare ourselves to meet you. As of old you sent the Baptist in the wilderness of this world, so also today you sent us your messenger, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. He came to help your people prepare their hearts for you. Help me to listen to your words and to open my heart to change, so that I may clearly see the way to walk, the truth to speak, and the life to live. May your image impressed upon the body of Padre Pio for our modern world to see encourage me to be your image to all whom I encounter in life. May we never forget that you became a human being that we might share in the Life of God. Through your Spirit, and following your word and example, may I come to the Father, Source of all Life, Whose love for me endures for ever and ever. Amen.
To the Blessed Trinity:
O my God, Trinity whom I adore, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, help me to be firmly rooted in you today. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina lived in your presence while ministering to your people. May nothing trouble my peace or make me leave you, my unchanging God. As Padre Pio lived each moment of his life immersed in the mystery of your love, may each minute of this day bring me more deeply into that same mystery of love, mercy and providence. Grant my soul peace and serenity today. Make it Your dwelling. May I never abandon you, Who are forever faithful to your children. I adore you and praise you, Who live and reign forever. Amen. | To Our Lady, Mother of the Redeemer: Holy Mother, Mary ever-virgin, in the name of all humanity your availability to the Father’s Will allowed God to be enfleshed in your womb that He might become one with us in our human nature. I thank you for your openness to the Divine challenge. With hopeful heart you waited that God’s promise would come to light. Be with me today and every day, that I too may wait with joyful hope for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever. Amen. To Padre Pio of Pietrelcina: Padre Pio, look on me, your spiritual child, and bless me with your loving protection. Pray for me that I, like you, may live in preparation of the Lord’s coming in my life. Pray for me that I, like you, may allow the Lord to make himself known and seen in me as He wills. Pray for me that I, like you, may be a modern day prophet who prepares the way of the Lord for others by the way I speak and live. May I give glory and praise to God for Our Savior Who becomes one with us every day in His Word and Sacrament. Accompany us with your prayers through the mysteries of life until we are made sharers in the glory of the life to come. Amen.
Let us pray:
Father, you gave the human race eternal salvation through the motherhood of the Virgin Mary. May we experience the help of her prayers in our lives, for through her we received the very source of life, your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen
Conclude with the following prayers:
God of time and of eternity, with Christmas joy we praise you for the year gone by and for all that lies ahead. The Birth of Jesus opens our eyes and our hearts to the beginning of a new year of salvation. Your Son comes among us to bring glad tidings to the poor and to proclaim peace to all people of good will. May Jesus whom I adore as my Lord and Savior help me to live in The Word, Who leads me to you who lives with Him and the Spirit, for ever. |