Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thusday | Friday | Saturday |
This month's words of Padre Pio are taken from the letters to his spiritual daughter, Annita Rodote. The letters, all written in 1915, are dated: March 15, April 27, May 19 and June 10. As we read them each day, let us make Padre Pio's words to her an encouragement and reminder to each of us on our spiritual journey | 1 May Jesus and Mary make you holy and taste the sweetness of the cross more and more. Amen. | 2 The good Jesus...give you more strength to overcome and defeat our common enemy. | 3 Do not fear him (devil)... trust more and more in Jesus, who never leaves you alone when confronted by (satan). | 4 Keep your spirit always raised on high... | ||
5 May your heart always be turned towards the heavenly homeland... | 6 Do not take your gaze from there (heaven) except in order to check where you are walking | 7 Let us love Jesus in the Passion more than anything else. | 8 Often meditate on the suffering of the God-Man. | 9 Love for the cross has always been a distinctive sign of chosen souls. | 10 Without love for the cross, one cannot make much progress in the ways of Christian perfection. | 11 The good that awaits me is so great that all suffering is my delight. (P.Pio quotes St.Francis) |
12 Let us show ourselves to be worthy children of such a great Father. | 13 In the course of life, mortifications will not be lacking. Let us love them... | 14 let us embrace them (mortifications) with a cheerful soul, and bless the good God in everything. | 15 Satan's fury...must neither frighten nor surprise you...he persecutes all who refuse to listen to him. | 16 Abandon yourself as a beloved (child) of the heavenly Father, in his most loving arms. | 17 (Satan) is powerless against the soul that places all its trust in God alone. | 18 God will never permit you to be tempted beyond your strength. |
19 The victory is His (God's) for all those who care about nothing except pleasing Him (God) in everything. | 20 The soul's greatest misery is when it...trusts in itself, when it is over-confident. | 21 Have greater confidence in divine mercy. | 22 Humble yourself before the mercy of our good God and thank Him... | 23 Fortify yourself with prayer... | 24 Wait with a happy soul for the will of God to be accomplished in you. | 25 Divine grace often strikes us...manifesting our unworthiness...but it is always the light of a Father who loves and saves. |
26 Be consoled in the Lord. Jesus...does not want to abandon you. | 27 Do not forget to pray fervently to this dear Mother (Mary) with greater fervor... | 28 Draw close to the throne of our good Lord with filial abandonment... | 29 Give complete freedom to the working of the Holy Spirit... | 30 Make every effort to practice the Christian virtues, above all, holy humility and Christian charity. | 31 Constantly try to grow in charity, which is the bond of Christian perfection | We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you, because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world. |
Lenten JourneyLord Jesus Christ, you gather your people during this holy season of Lent, and you call us to repent and believe the Gospel. Remove any barriers that keep us from you so that we might live fully the life we received at Baptism and carry our cross each day. You have given us Padre Pio of Pietrelcina as a modern image of the Suffering Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. Through his intercession and your divine grace, may we turn to you in our need, thank you in our abundance, and share your love with the world around us. Amen. |
Litany of the
Concluding PrayersLord Jesus, help me to walk with You each day of my life, even to Calvary. The sorrow and joy, the pain and healing, the failures and triumphs of my life are truly small deaths and resurrections that lead me closer to You. Give me the faith and trust I need to walk with You always.Mary, Mother of our Redeemer and our most Blessed Mother, be with us through life's journey. As you comforted Jesus on the road to Calvary by your silent and loving presence, as you held his lifeless body close to your immaculate heart, as you offered the sadness and suffering that only a mother can feel when she sees the suffering of her child, look upon me as you looked at Jesus. See His marred image in my frail nature; hold me close to your mother's heart in my moments of temptation and sin; and pray for me that I may be for God what I was created to be a -LIVING IMAGE OF JESUS. Amen. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, loving Father and Spiritual Guide, in this most holy season of Lent, be with us. By a singular grace you were blessed to participate in the mystery of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through your ministry, God revealed the marvels of His mercy to numberless souls. Pray for us, that like you, and through your loving intercession we may remain one with Christ in his Passion so as to joyfully attain come with you to the glory of the Resurrection. Intercede for us with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who is God for ever and ever. Amen. |